A distributed antenna system (DAS) is a way to deal with isolated spots
of poor coverage inside a large building by installing a network of
relatively small antennas throughout the building to serve as repeaters.
The antennas are physically connected to a central controller which is
connected to the wireless carrier network’s base station. Because
distributed antenna systems operate on RF spectrum licensed to wireless
carriers, an enterprise cannot undertake a DAS deployment on its own
without involving at least one carrier.
Distributed antenna systems can be passive or active. A passive DAS
grabs cellphone signals from antennas on the roof and runs them through
leaky feeder cables throughout the building. In this approach, the
signal leakage distributes the signal. In an active system, the signal
is passed from roof antennas through fiber cables. Along the way,
systems boost and amplify signals as needed.
Deployment is the most expensive stage of a DAS project because
installing antennas and stringing fiber optical or coaxial cable between
antenna modules and the controller are all very labor intensive
processes. Generally, the carrier bears the costs of installing the
system as well as maintenance expenses and many times, the carrier will
only agree to take on these costs if the deployment fits within their
network plans, covers a large number of subscribers or fills an
significant gap in service. To keep the cost down, a DAS may be shared
by multiple carriers.
Distributed antenna systems are transparent to mobile devices, providing
both voice and data services to mobile devices just like any tower on a
cellular network. Densely populated indoor spaces such as shopping
malls, medical centers and high-rise buildings are all good candidates
for DAS deployments.
Over the past five years, wireless data traffic has increased more than
20,000 percent on AT&T’s wireless network alone. People are no
longer only accessing the Internet at home or in the office, they are
doing it wherever they are from their mobile device.
AT&T network engineers are helping enable this shift in Internet
usage habits by putting in place new technologies, such as Distributed
Antenna Systems (DAS). A DAS network consists of many antennas tuned to
precisely match the areas of a building or venue where boosted service
is needed. AT&T DAS helps address the exponential network traffic
growth at large venues and other hard to serve areas, such as sporting
and entertainment venues, hospitals, college campuses, airports, hotels,
conference centers and more.
DAS helps boost mobile broadband coverage, improve reliability in
heavily trafficked areas and enhance network capacity, alleviating
pressure on wireless networks when thousands of people in close
proximity are actively using their mobile devices simultaneously. DAS is
seamless and invisible for customers, but the results are easy to see.
Data and voice capacity more than doubled at the pro sports venues that
installed AT&T DAS in 2011.