Sometimes referred to as the command screen or a text interface, the command line
is a user interface that is navigated by typing commands at prompts, as
opposed to using the mouse to perform a command. For example, the root
MS-DOS command line prompt is C:\> (as shown in the picture) and in
Unix or Linux may be % or >. Unlike a GUI operating system, a command
line only uses a keyboard to navigate by entering commands and does not
utilize a mouse.
a command line interface requires unique commands, this interface is
often more difficult to learn because of the need to memorize dozens of
different commands. However, a command line operating system can be a
very valuable resource and should not be ignored. For example, users who
have Microsoft Windows may find trivial tasks such as renaming 100+
files in a folder
a very difficult task; however, this is something that can be done in a
matter of seconds through a simple command at the command line.
a text interface with menus has a lot more visual appeal than the
command line, this interface is still considered a text interface and
not a graphical interface.
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