Thursday, 16 October 2014


Predictive coding is a combination of machine-learning technology and work flow processes that use keyword search, filtering and sampling to automate portions of an e-discovery document review.

The goal of predictive coding is to reduce the number of irrelevant and non-responsive documents that need to be reviewed manually. The computer program identifies document properties and refines search parameters according to rules created by humans.

For example, in a legal context, predictive coding software uses a mathematical model to scan electronically stored information and locate data most relative to a case and coding means to digitally categorize a document as being responsive or unresponsive. The technology uses a computer-categorized review application to classify documents according to how well they match key concepts and terms in sample documents created by a legal team. After the program identifies relevant documents according to the key concepts and terms, a legal team reviews the documents.

Proponents of predictive coding say it saves time and money because, instead of examining a huge set of electronic files and records manually, the technology allows a much smaller portion of data to be reviewed manually.

How to Draw a Flowchart

 Why a Flowchart?Flowcharts are helpful in understanding a complicated process. This is especially true if you have to make decisions and do different steps depending on those decisions. By looking at a flowchart you can visually follow different paths through the chart. For each step on a flowchart you can ask yourself "Is this step necessary? Can it be improved?" 

 Basic Flowcharting StencilIn RFFlow click the More Shapes  button. It is on the left above the stencils. The Stencils and Shapes dialog box will appear as shown below. Scroll to the Flowcharting folder and click the plus sign to open it. Then click Colored Edge Shapes and the Add Stencil button.

The Colored Edge Shapes stencil will now show up on the left of the RFFlow Window as shown below.
TerminatorAll flowcharts start and end with the terminator or terminal shape. This is a rounded rectangle and is shown below. You use this same shape for both the start and the end. You will see some charts with slightly different terminal shapes. For example, sometimes an oval is used. This is because there is no golden standard for flowcharting. Different companies and different technical areas use different shapes. There are a few basic rules and, beyond that, you can create your own rules for your organization. If you add your own shapes, it is important that you explain what they are used for, so others can understand your chart.Just click on the terminator shape in the stencil and then type in the text.

To read a flowchart, you follow the arrows from shape to shape. To draw a line in RFFlow, click on the line in the stencil at the left and then drag the mouse to draw the line in your chart. It is faster to place all your shapes first and then draw all the lines at once.
DecisionThe decision shape asks a question. "Are you under 65 years of age?" If you are less than 65 years old, you follow the arrow going down out of the decision shape. If you are 65 or older, you follow the arrow to the right.
ProcessThe rectangle is used for activities or action steps. These are things that must be done.
CircleA circle containing a letter or number means that this chart connects to another chart on a different page. The same circle and number are then the entry point on the new page. It is best not to use these, but sometimes they are necessary.
TitleIt is good to have a title on your chart. Just click on the word "Text" in the stencil and use a larger font size.
Putting it all togetherThe chart shown below could be part of the 2006 Federal Income Tax return instructions. You start at the top and follow the arrows from shape to shape. Flowcharts usually go from top to bottom or left to right, but you can do whatever you want. The circle with the letter B refers to a chart on a different page. You would find that page and look for a B in a circle. Almost all flowchart can be done with only these four shapes. 
Moving you chart into a documentAfter drawing your chart, you can copy and paste the chart into Microsoft Word or any other Windows program. If you want to put the chart on the internet, you can save your chart as a PNG or HTML file.
Flowchart KeyIf you are working in a group, it is advantageous to label each chart with the name of the person or group who created it and the date of creation. It is a also a good idea to have a key which lists the shapes you use in a chart and what they mean. An example is shown below:
Level of DetailYou or your group must decide the level of detail to use in drawing your chart. Usually it is best to start specifying only general steps and leaving the details for later. Whatever you do, the level of detail should be consistent throughout the chart. For example, if you are flowcharting editing a Microsoft Word document, you might have a rectangle with the words "Print Document." A detailed chart might split this rectangle into several rectangles that show each step of clicking on the Print button in Word, selecting the appropriate printer, etc. Make sure you are not wasting time by specifying at t


Zabbix is an open source network monitoring tool that works with a centralized Linux-based Zabbix server. 
The Zabbix server automatically collects and parses data from monitored hardware so administrators can check availability and see trends in network performance. The server communicates to the native software agents that are available for many operating systems, including Linux, UNIX and Windows. For operating systems without an agent, generic monitoring protocols such as Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) or Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) can be used.
Zabbix can send out alerts and notifications if specific pre-defined events are occurring. It can also provide graphing functionality, which allows an administrator to get an overview of the current state of specific nodes and the network in general. Some of Zabbix's other features include automatic discovery for network hosts and devices, a web-based front end that allows full system control from a browser.
This video provides a quick look at the Zabbix user interface.


network management system (NMS) is a set of hardware and/or software tools that allow an IT professional to supervise the individual components of a network within a larger network management framework.

Network device discovery -  identifying what devices are present on a network.
Network management system components assist with: 
  • Network device monitoring - monitoring at the device level to determine the health of network components and the extent to which their performance matches capacity plans and intra-enterprise service-level agreements (SLAs).
  • Network performance analysis -  tracking performance indicators such as bandwidth utilization, packet loss, latency, availability and uptime of routers, switches and  other Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) -enabled devices.
  • Intelligent notifications - configurable alerts that will respond to specific network scenarios by paging, emailing, calling or texting a network administrator.

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

How to fix a general protection fault

Note: It is not upcoming to randomly experience a General Protection Fault (GPF), you should not need to troubleshoot GPF errors unless they are occurring frequently.

Remove all TSRs

Disable or unload any TSRs or programs currently running before running the program causing the GPF.
  • How to remove TSRs and startup programs.

Delete all program temporary files

Delete all temporary files that may still be residing on the hard drive from currently or previously running programs.
  • How to remove temporary program files.

Run ScanDisk and Defrag

Run Scandisk and run Defrag on the hard drive as it could be possible your hard drive may have an issue causing the swap file or data files to become corrupt or invalid.

Verify your computer has more than 200 MB available

If your computer is running low on hard drive space, your Windows Swap File will be unable to increase in size when needed, causing programs to be swapped between memory and the hard drive more frequently. When this occurs it is more likely that a GPF can occur.
  • Determining available hard drive space.

Recently installed software or hardware

If you have recently installed new software or hardware uninstall or reinstall that software or hardware to verify it is not causing your issue.
  • Uninstalling Windows software.

Disable external cache

If your CPU utilizes external cache disable it temporarily to verify if it is causing your GPF error messages. If this option is available it can be disabled through CMOS Setup.
If this resolves your issue it is recommended that you contact the manufacturer of your computer, motherboard manufacturer, or CPU manufacturer for additional recommendations.
Tip: In some cases a BIOS update designed for this problem can also resolve cache related issues.

Disable Power Management and screen savers

If you are receiving GPFs when away from the computer or during durations when your computer is inactive, disable Power Management and screen savers to ensure that they are not causing your issue.
  • Power management help and support.

Operating System issue

Windows related files can cause a General Protection fault. For example, a General Protection Fault with Explorer and KRNL386.EXE. Reinstall Windows to resolve the issue with Windows related files.

Bad memory or other bad hardware

If you have followed all of the above recommendations and continue to experience GPFs there may be bad or failing hardware inside your computer. Often bad memory is the primary cause for random GPFs.
  • How can I test my memory to determine if it is bad?

Windows runtime errors

Before following the below recommendations for troubleshooting your runtime error if you're getting a runtime error with a runtime error code and error message such as "Runtime error 75 path/file access error", skip to the below runtime error listing for a listing of runtime error codes and additional information and causes for these errors.
Windows Runtime error

Confliction with TSR or other running program

If you are encountering a runtime error message while in Windows or above ensure that the issue is not being caused by a third-party program or TSR by end tasking all open programs.
If, after end tasking all TSRs, you continue to experience the same issue and are running Windows 95 or Windows 98, verify that no utility or program is being loaded in the autoexec.bat and config.sys that is causing your issue by temporally renaming the files. To do this, follow the instructions below.
  1. Boot to an MS-DOS prompt.
  2. Once at the MS-DOS prompt, type:

    cd\ <press enter>
    ren autoexec.bat <press enter>
    ren config.sys <press enter>

    Once completed, reboot the computer.

Software issue

If your issue persists the program, utility, or game causing the runtime error may have issues. Verify through the developer's website that all updates or patches that may be available have been downloaded and applied.
If no patches or updates are available, uninstall, and reinstall the program that is causing the issue. If you are having a runtime error in your operating system, reinstall the operating system.

Add-on, plug-in, or other extra software

Many runtime errors are also caused by other add-ons, plug-ins, or other extra software that has been installed onto the computer and is associated with the program generating the error. If you have any extra software installed that is associated with the program generating the error make sure there are no available updates for the programs and try uninstalling each of them to verify they're not the cause of your issue.

Computer virus

Because computer viruses and malware can tamper with the system settings or memory it can cause a runtime error. If you are currently running a virus protection program on your computer ensure it has the latest updated patch or .dat file.
If you do not have a computer virus protection program it is recommended one be purchased or that a demo be temporarily downloaded to scan your computer hard drive for viruses.
  • Additional information about computer viruses can be found on our virus information page.

Memory issue

Finally, if you have followed all of the above recommendations and are still getting runtime errors, you may be encountering a hardware or memory related issue. We recommend that you first contact the developer of the program causing the issue for any possible solutions. If no solutions are found, we recommend you contact the computer or motherboard manufacturer for additional recommendations or service.
  • Out of memory errors.
  • Computer companies and contact information.

Runtime error listings

Below is a listing of Microsoft Windows and Windows software runtime error codes and related Runtime error messages. If you're encountering one of the below runtime error codes and have a matching runtime error message see the associated additional information column for causes and information about that runtime.
Code Runtime error Additional information
5 Illegal function call Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.
6 Overflow Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.
7 Out of memory This issue can be caused when the computer does not meet the programs system requirements or to much memory is already being used for the program to run. If your computer meets the requirements try first reinstalling the program to make sure it's not an issues with the program installation. If this does not resolve your issue see out of memory troubleshooting steps.
9 Subscript out of range Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.
10 Duplicate definition Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.
11 Division by zero Problem with a math formula in the program or the programs code. Verify no software updates are available for the program causing this error.
13 Type Mismatch Make sure your system regional settings are setup correctly and that the program you're running is made for your version of Windows.
14 Out of string space Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.
19 No Resume Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.
20 Resume without error Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.
28 Out of stack space This issue can be caused by a program or memory error. First try going through the out of memory troubleshooting steps.
35 Sub or Function not defined Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.
48 Error in loading DLL This issue is often caused with a bad installation or an issue caused after another program has been installed that replaced the programs DLL. Close all programs and TSRs and try installing the program again.
52 Bad file name or number Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.
53 File not found File required by the program to run is not found. Program needs to be reinstalled or missing file(s) need to be copied back to the computer.
54 Bad file mode Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.
55 File already open Program or file associated with program is being used and program does not have access to use it. Try closing all open and background programs and run program again.
58 File already exists Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.
61 Disk full The disk, for example, the hard drive does not have enough space for the program to run or for associated files to be copied to. Free up disk space on the computer hard drive.
62 Input past end of file Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.
63 Bad record number Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.
64 Bad file name Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.
68 Device unavailable A hardware device or necessary requirement for the program is not being found. Verify all hardware and software required by the program is installed. If you continue to have the same issues verify the latest updates are installed for the program as well as any hardware device the program needs.
70 Permission denied The location of where the program is being copied to does not have proper rights. Or a file that is trying to be copied over because it's currently being used. Try closing all programs and TSRs and running/installing the program again.
71 Disk not ready Verify you have proper rights to the location you are attempting to install the program to.
74 Can't rename with different drive Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.
75 Path/File access error Program does not have rights or access to a file. Often this is caused when a program is trying to access a network file it doesn't have proper access to either because of network privileges or something is blocking the program. This issue can also be caused when the file is being used by another program or is read-only.
76 Path not found Directory of where the program needs to be copied to or files associated with the program need to be copied to is missing. Try reinstalling the program.
91 Object variable set to Nothing Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.
93 Invalid pattern Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.
94 Illegal use of NULL Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.
102 Command failed Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.
339 A file is missing or invalid An associated program file is missing or corrupt. Try reinstalling the program.
429 Object creation failed Program is corrupted, try reinstalling the program generating the runtime error.
438 No such property or method Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.
439 Argument type mismatch Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.
440 Object error Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.
901 Input buffer would be larger than 64K Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.
902 Operating system error Verify the program is compatible with your version of Windows and has any software updates.
903 External procedure not found Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.
904 Global variable type mismatch Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.
905 User-defined type mismatch A setting either in the program shortcut or being defined by the user is correct. Try running just the program without any additional settings or variables.
906 External procedure interface mismatch Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.
1001 Out of memory This issue can be caused when the computer does not meet the programs system requirements or to much memory is already being used for the program to run. If your computer meets the requirements try first reinstalling the program to make sure it's not an issue with the program installation. If this does not resolve your issue run through the out of memory troubleshooting steps.
1025 DLL is not supported This issue is often caused with a bad installation or an issue caused after another program has been installed that replaced the programs DLL. Close all programs and TSRs and try installing the program again.
Microsoft Windows r6025 runtime error.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Formatting toolbar

The formatting toolbar is a toolbar in Microsoft Office applications such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel that gives the user the ability to change the formatting of selected text.

Options available in the formatting toolbar

  • Change the font.
  • Change the size of the font.
  • Make the text bold, italics, or underline.
  • Change the justification.
  • Change the style to currency, percent, or comma.
  • Increase or decrease the decimal and indent.
  • Change the borders.
  • Fill (highlight) the text.
  • Change the font color.

How to enable the formatting toolbar

If you are running an early version of Word or Excel click View and then Toolbars and from within the Toolbars click Formatting to enable the formatting toolbar.
New versions of Office products no longer have toolbars and instead are using the Ribbon and most of what was found in the Formatting toolbar can now be found in the Home or Write tab of the Ribbon.